Family Law Attorney in The Woodlands Manages Child Custody and Property Division Enforcement Actions

Upholding your due process rights in postdivorce actions

Your divorce decree has the force of law, so either party can petition the court to have the terms enforced. If one party violates provisions for custody, visitation or the division of property, the other party can ask the court to intervene and compel compliance. Parties should not seek court orders lightly for trivial infractions, but when a pattern of noncompliance develops or noncompliance threatens the health and welfare of your children, i is important to take these issues to a judge. Similarly, if the court has ordered the distribution of certain assets that the party in possession will not relinquish, the conflict may require a court order to resolve.

Whisenant & Associates capably manages motions for enforcement for petitioners and respondents. We help safeguard due process rights, so you can set the record straight and receive the court-ordered remedy your case deserves.

Custody order violations demand court intervention

Children need a predictable and consistent structure. When that structure is disrupted, even by a well-meaning parent, the damage to a child can be significant. Typical child custody enforcement issues include:

  • Incremental noncompliance: One parent's failure to observe scheduling for visits and exchanges robs the other parent of time with the children, and disrupts the children's lives. We can take decisive steps for child custody enforcement so you and your children can enjoy a stable living situation.
  • Parental kidnapping: The majority of children reported missing in the United States are actually taken by noncustodial parents. There are several legal options in a kidnapping situation:
    • A petition for habeas corpus requires the parent to physically bring the child to the courtroom to help settle the matter.
    • A judge may order the offending parent to post a bond to cover the other parent’s future expenses if there is another incident.
    • The court may order visitation to be supervised.

A board-certified Texas family law attorney knows how to stop abusive noncompliance without harming your relationship with your child.

Solving property division issues through enforcement

A party's dissatisfaction with court-ordered property division can create resentment that leads to actual noncompliance or the perception of it. Parties in possession may withhold important documents or drag their feet in executing deed transfer records, title transfer records and mortgage papers. Parties may alienate property rather than transfer it. In extreme cases, a disgruntled spouse may threaten to destroy property rather than turn it over. The court has a number of remedies at its disposal, ranging from injunctive relief to incarceration.

Contact a skilled litigation attorney for your postdivorce enforcement issues

When you have to go to court for postdivorce enforcement, go with a skilled trial attorney who strongly advocates for you. Contact Whisenant & Associates at 281-681-8889 or online to schedule a consultation. Se habla español.

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